
March 8, 2021

Professor Antony Millner was featured by the American Economic Association for his research in long-run forecasting.

February 7, 2021

Economics Professor Rod Garratt won the award for Best Empirical Paper at the 2020 NeurIPS Workshop.

January 14, 2021

Economics Professor Dick Startz took part in a webinar hosted by the American Economics Association

December 25, 2020

The Department is accepting applications for a full-time junior specialist

December 25, 2020

The Department is currently accepting applications for the Wilcox Family Chair in Entrepreneurial Economics

December 25, 2020

A UCSB Economics alumnus and two professors were quoted in a New York Times piece on racial and economic inequality.

December 24, 2020

The Department is accepting applications for the Mellichamp Chair - Mind and Machine in Entrepreneurial Economics

November 26, 2020

Professor Gary Charness was honored by Clarivate Analytics as one of the most Highly Cited Researchers in 2020.

November 25, 2020

Professor Rod Garratt published an article in Liberty Street Economics on using digital currencies to monetize privacy.

November 24, 2020

Economics PhD candidate Jeffrey Cross won the 2020 Best Paper award at the Southern California Graduate Conference in Applied Economics (SOCAE).