The Department of Economics is recognized for its prestige in both research and academics. Our Department serves over 2,000 undergraduates, and offers resources such as Undergraduate and Career Advising Services, student organizations, and information about study abroad programs.
Study Abroad
Studying abroad provides an opportunity to expand students' academic and cultural experiences while staying on track to complete the Economics major. The Department strongly encourages students to study abroad in order to enhance their knowledge of Economics while immersing themselves in another culture.
For more information about studying abroad, please visit UCSB EAP’s page dedicated to Economics majors.
- Where and When to Study Abroad
We always recommend that students plan to study abroad AFTER they are accepted into the Economics or Economics & Accounting major. If you plan to study abroad the following quarter after you take ECON 10A, please be aware that you will not be eligible for the retake exams while you’re abroad or after you come back.
Students interested in studying abroad should consult with an Economics Undergraduate Advisor to determine the best time period for a study abroad experience.
Examples of excellent study abroad options for Economics majors include:
- Fudan University, China
- Warwick University, England
- University of Glasgow, Scotland
- University of St. Andrews in England and Scotland
- London School of Economics (summer only)
- Global Business Program in Asia, Hong Kong and Shanghai (summer only)
- Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
- University of Commerce, Luigi Bocconi, Milan, Italy
- Maastricht University, Netherlands
- Course Approval
Please use this link to view the Economics department's pre-approved listing of EAP courses. Please be sure you read the disclaimer page thoroughly. The courses in this database have been pre-approved for use towards the major. Those listed as NONE cannot be used towards the major.
In order to do so, you must obtain syllabi and send them to the department for review. Please upload all syllabi to this Google Form. The department will have each syllabus reviewed and get back to you within 4-5 business days.
Honors Program
The Department of Economics Honors program provides the opportunity for qualified majors to undertake advanced economics research over the course of two quarters (ECON 196A-B), culminating in a Senior Honors Thesis. Successful completion of the program leads to graduation with Distinction in the Major, which is placed on the student’s transcript and diploma upon graduation. While not required for the program, the Department offers two additional Honors courses: ECON 96 (sophomore level), and ECON 194 (junior level). Please see below for a full description of each course, as well as the requirements for Distinction in the Major. All senior students who meet the eligibility requirements for ECON 196A-B are encouraged to apply.
- Honors Admittance
Access to the ECON 196 series requires the completion of ECON 10A, ECON 100B, ECON 101, and ECON 140A and 140B with a minimum GPA of 3.50 (ECON 140B may be taken concurrently with ECON 196A). A student's overall GPA must also be at least 3.50.
Graduating with Distinction in the Major requires a minimum GPA of 3.50 in ECON 140B and 196A-B.
- Honors Courses
Prerequisite: Approval by the Department based on performance in ECON 1 and 2. Course is designed for majors and usually offered Winter and Spring Quarters.
Description: This is a small seminar class that gives sophomores the opportunity to read and discuss selected texts and research papers in Economics. The objective is to expose students to a wide range of research topics in order to give them a flavor of the research opportunities available. It is ideal for students who are interested in pursuing their own Economic research in the future.
ECON 194
Prerequisite: Full-major standing and by invitation. If you’re interested, please see the Undergraduate Advisor.
Description: This class is intended as an introduction to Economic Research and a possible lead-in to designing and conducting an original research project in next year’s Senior Honors Sequence — ECON 196A and 196B. The class will include presentations on research methods, research ethics, paths to graduate school and short talks by Economics faculty and graduate students on research ideas and conduct. There will be a couple of short assignments, and the final product will be a brief (two- to three- page) research proposal to be presented in class.
Prerequisite: 3.50 GPA in ECON 10A, 100B, 101, 140A and 140B. If the 140B requirement has not been met, it must be taken concurrently with 196A. Usually offered Fall Quarter.
Description: Students undertake independent research project(s) under the direction of a faculty member. The research results are presented as an honors paper at the end of the second term (196B).
Prerequisite: ECON 196A and ECON 140B. Usually offered Winter Quarter.
Description: Students undertake independent research project(s) under the direction of a faculty member. The research results are presented as an honors paper at the end of this term.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
The Department of Economics strongly encourages undergraduates to engage in Economic research during their time at UCSB. All research opportunities offered by the Department are only open to students in either the Economics or Economics & Accounting Majors. Students can do individual research with a faculty member or engage in research through one of our research programs. Please see the Career Connection section for more information.
- Research
Prerequisite: Upper-Division standing in the major; 3.0 Upper-Division GPA and a 3.0 GPA in preceding 3 quarters; completion of two Upper-Division courses in Economics; consent from your instructor and the Department. Description: Coursework will consist of the student’s original academic research, supervised by a faculty member. This course is not intended for internships. No more than 2 units can be earned in any one quarter.Download the ECON 199 Proposal Form from the sidebar and complete with your faculty advisor.
- Description: Coursework will consist of faculty supervised research, where the student assists with faculty research. Units do not count toward the major. No more than 2 units can be earned in any one quarter.
Download the Econ 199 Proposal Form from the sidebar and complete with your faculty advisor.
Prerequisite: Upper-Division standing in the major; 3.0 Upper-Division GPA and a 3.0 GPA in preceding 3 quarters; completion of two Upper-Division courses in Economics; consent from your instructor and the Department.
Academic Integrity
The UCSB Student Conduct Code exists to support the highest standards of social and academic behavior and ensure an environment conducive to student learning. It is expected that students attending the University of California, Santa Barbara understand and subscribe to the ideal of academic integrity, and are willing to bear individual responsibility for their work. Any submission that fulfills an academic requirement must represent a student’s original work. Any act of academic dishonesty will subject a person to University disciplinary action.
Advising Office Information
- Phone: +1 805-893-2981
- Email:
- Join the Line - QLess
- Office: North Hall 2121
Office Hours
Monday & Friday Remote
Tuesday - Thursday 9:30am-11:30am and 1:30pm-4:30pm
If contacting us by email, provide the following information:
- Full name
- UCSB Perm Number
- Your major
- Full explanation of your question
Please use your UCSB email to schedule an appointment.
NOTE: All CPA and career related questions should be directed to our Career Connections Office
Research Forms
Student Clubs and Organizations
Explore and connect with student-run organizations within the Economics/Economics and Accounting majors: