Advising Services
The Economics Undergraduate Academic Advisors (both Professional Advisors and Peer Advisors) are available for drop-in advising any time the office is open. Questions about courses, requirements, schedules, substitutions, and petitions are welcome. Also feel free to email your questions.
Advising Office Information
- Phone: +1-805-893-2981
- Email:
- Office: North Hall 2121
Advising Services
The undergraduate advising office operates on a walk-in basis. Students must join the QLess line, via this link, in order to queue for drop-ins. Students will receive a text message once they are at the front of the queue. All advising inquiries can also be sent via email to An advisor will return your message within 2 business days.
Drop-In Hours
9am - 11:30am & 1:30pm - 4:30pm
9am - 11:30am
Study Abroad Advising
Students looking for advising on the Study Abroad Program will need to book an appointment. We do not address study abroad questions during drop-in advising. Any student who needs their APF signed simply needs to email the form to our email address and we will review and sign it electrically.
Meet Our Peer Advisors
The Department sponsors a Peer Advising Program throughout the academic year. The program employs outstanding Upper-Division students and trains them to offer assistance in many areas. Peer Advisors are students who value community service and demonstrate an enthusiasm for the Department of Economics and the majors available within it.
If you are interested in becoming a Peer Advisor for the Economics Undergraduate Advising Office, requests for resumes are sent out during Winter Quarter.
McKenna Bradley
Undergraduate Peer Advisor - 4th year ECACC major
Being a peer advisor has been one of the most rewarding experiences for me because I love working with students, helping them navigate their college journey, and supporting them in achieving their academic goals. This past summer, I completed an 8-week internship with PwC in San Diego, and I’m thrilled to have received a return offer for next fall! In addition to that, I’m excited to pursue my CPA licensure after graduation. My favorite classes at UCSB are definitely Econ 189 (Business Law and Ethics) with Professor Kulper and Econ 136A (Intermediate Accounting) with Professor Harmon. Both professors have incredible teaching styles and share fascinating stories from their experiences in public accounting, making their classes even more engaging.

Calvin Liang
Undergraduate Peer Advisor - 4th year ECACC major
The best part about being a peer advisor is that I've been able to help other transfer students like myself. Among the many challenges and difficulties that arise from transferring, I hope to help others in overcoming as many as possible. After graduation, I plan to get my CPA and continue working at KPMG where I had the opportunity to intern this past summer. My favorite course so far has been Econ 189 (Business Law and Ethics). Professor Kulper was super fun to listen to and his stories are very memorable. Would highly recommend joining his honors section if you're interested in hearing more from him. Feel free to drop by if you have questions and look forward to talking to you soon!

Anu Maddali
Study Abroad and Undergraduate Peer Advisor - 4th year ECON & Stats and Data Science double major and UCEAP Returnee, London
I love to interact with different types of people so that has been the best part about being a peer advisor. We are able to meet such a diverse set of students with different majors, backgrounds, and interests. It is so cool to help people pursue their passions and meet their goals in an academic space. Following graduation, I want to go to graduate school! I am interested in a career in consulting as of now. Econ 101 (Intermediate Macro Theory) has been my favorite course so far. I really enjoyed macro in high school, so I like taking a college class that really dives deeper into that aspect of Economics.
Nicolas Loh
Undergraduate Peer Advisor - 4th year ECACC major
I love to meet many different types of people and assist them in any way I can. I've found myself facing many of the same issues my fellow peers have and being able to help them through them has been very fulfilling for me. Post graduation I would love to work as a Financial Analyst or in Product Management. My favorite course that I have taken at UCSB is ECON 136A. I enjoyed using the knowledge I learned from my previous two accounting courses and applying them to 136A was relatively easy for me to do.

Jaya Sood
Study Abroad Peer Advisor - 4th year ECON major
Hi everyone! i’m so excited to be a study abroad peer advisor this year. Studying abroad was one of the best things I've done through my time at UCSB and I hope to encourage others to go as well! After I graduate I hope to go to law school and my classes in Paris played a huge role in preparing me for that. I love being able to meet different Econ students and help them embark on this life changing experience while also meeting their academic goals!