2021 Events

Required for first-year Economics PhD students and approved PhD students from the Bren School of Environmental Science.

Required for first-year Economics PhD students and approved PhD students from the Bren School of Environmental Science.

Join us to hear PhD Candidate Alec McQuilkin defend his dissertation

Join us to hear PhD Candidate Jeffrey Cross defend his dissertation

Join us to hear PhD Candidate Danae Hernandez-Cortes defend her dissertation

Join us to hear Economics PhD Candidate Di Wang defend his dissertation

The Department welcomes two Economics PhD Alumni: Tom Zimmerfaust (Analysis Group) and Alex Wood-Doughty (Lyft)

The Department of Economics welcomes Sheetal Sekhri from the University of Virginia.

The Department of Economics welcomes Yuval Salant from Northwestern Kellogg

Join us to hear PhD Candidate Guangli Zhang present his Dissertation Defense