2024 Events

The Department Welcomes Professor Mariana Osegura from University of Toronto 

The Department Welcomes Professor Matthew Notowidigdo from Chicago Booth

The Department Welcomes Professor Modibo Camara from Stanford School of Business

Snyder Memorial Department Seminar and Luncheon featuring Emi Nakamura

Emi Nakamura, Clark Medalist 2019, University of California, Berkeley

The Department Welcomes Professor Maggie Shi from University of Chicago

Join us to hear Menglong (Vincent) Dissertation Defense. He will be defending his dissertation “Experimental Studies on Information Economics”

The Department Welcomes Professor Omar Licandro, Catholic University of Louvain

The Department Welcomes PhD Candidate Jimena Rico Staffon from University of California, Santa Barbara

The Department Welcomes Professor Lowell Taylor, Carnegie Mellon University