TEC (Theory) Seminar: Ricardo Perez-Truglia, UC Berkeley Haas
Professor Ricardo Perez-Truglia from UC Berkeley Haas
Ricardo Perez-Truglia is an Associate Professor at the Haas School of Business.
His research focuses on various topics, including income inequality, the gender pay gap, pay transparency, and tax compliance. Typically, he begins by formulating a hypothesis about how individuals make decisions or how a policy will affect them. To test those hypotheses, he collaborates with firms and governments. These collaborations often involve field experiments.
In 2020, Perez-Truglia was named a Sloan Research Fellow, an award that recognizes outstanding early-career faculty who have the potential to revolutionize their fields of study.
Perez-Truglia teaches Microeconomics for MBAs. In 2022, he was awarded the Earl F. Cheit Award for Excellence in MBA Teaching. He also works as a scholar for Amazon, where he conducts research to improve employee satisfaction, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Perez-Truglia received his PhD in Economics from Harvard University in 2014. He grew up in the Ciudadela neighborhood near Buenos Aires. Ricardo and his wife (Marina) have three children: Alma, Lucas and Nicolas.