Advancement to Candidacy Presentation: “Information-Driven Dynamic Inconsistency and Beliefs in Risky Choice”, Caroline Zhang

Date and Time
North Hall 2111

Caroline Zhang will be presenting her Advancement to Candidacy paper, “Information-Driven Dynamic
Inconsistency and Beliefs in Risky Choice”. To access the Advancement paper, you must have an active UCSB NetID
and password.

Caroline is a PhD student in the Department of Economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Her
research focuses primarily on Behavioral Finance, Behavioral and Experimental Economics. Her current research
topics are related to dynamic decision-making and biased beliefs under uncertainty.

Prior to attending UCSB, she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from Renmin University of China (2016) and also a
Master of Arts in Theoretical Economics from Tsinghua University (2019), as well as a Master of Arts in Economics
from UC Santa Barbara (2020).