Some Possible Variations for Experiments in
Experiments with Economic Principles: Microeconomics, 2nd Edition
Here are a few modifications for some of the experiments.
These variations in
the experimental procedures either allow smoother operation
or result in some additional interesting behavior.
Part I: Competitive Markets
- Experiment 1: Supply and Demand
- Experiment 2: Shifting Supply and Demand
Part II: Market Intervention and Public Policy
- Experiment 3: Sales Taxes
- Experiment 4: Prohibition
- Experiment 5: Minimum Wages
Part III: Imperfect Markets
- Experiment 6: Externalities
- Experiment 7: Monopolies and Cartels
Part IV: Firms and Technology
- Experiment 8: Entry and Exit
- Experiment 9: Network Externalities
- Experiment 10: Measuring Productivity
- Experiment 11: Comparative Advantage
Part IV: Information, Auctions, and Bargaining
- Experiment 12: Adverse Selection
- Experiment 13: Auctions
- Experiment 14: Bargaining
Copyright (c) 1999, Theodore Bergstrom and John H. Miller, All Rights Reserved
John H. Miller , miller@zia.hss.cmu